Can disability-related toys be funded through the NDIS?

Author: Rainbow Fun   Date Posted:11 May 2023 


Yes, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) may fund disability-related toys, if they are considered reasonable and necessary to support a participant's goals and needs.


Image: Fat Brain Toy Co. - Coggy Brainteaser


The NDIS funds a range of supports and services that help people with disabilities to live more independently and achieve their goals. This includes assistive technology and equipment, such as toys that are specifically designed for people with disabilities. Rainbow Fun Educational Toy Store provide positive, meaningful and fun learning resources in the NDIS ‘consumables’ category.


Image: Kinderfeets Pikler Rocking & Climbing Arch


Toys can play an important role in the development and enjoyment of children with disabilities. For example, sensory toys can assist in stimulating senses, improving fine and gross motor skills, and promoting relaxation.


Image: Bonikka Tiny Doll Family of 4


Toys that may be funded by the NDIS include items that are adapted or specially designed for individuals with disabilities, such as sensory toys for people with autism or communication aids for people with speech difficulties.


Toys may be included in a participant's NDIS plan if they meet the reasonable and necessary criteria, which means they must:

  • Be directly related to the participant’s disability,
  • Be likely to achieve the participant’s goals,
  • Represent value for money, and
  • Be considered necessary and reasonable.


Image: Elizabeth Richards Weighted Koala


It's worth noting that the NDIS generally does not fund toys or recreational activities that are solely for entertainment purposes. However, if a toy has a therapeutic or developmental purpose, it may be funded. Ultimately it will depend on the individual circumstances and goals of the participant.


If you're unsure whether a particular toy or support item would be considered reasonable and necessary under the NDIS, it's best to discuss this with your NDIS planner, support coordinator or therapist who are most familiar with your needs and goals. They can provide guidance and advice on what is likely to be funded.


If you are an NDIS planner, support coordinator, participant or carer and would like to know more about Rainbow Fun's fabulous products, please reach out to the supportive and friendly team at Rainbow Fun! The Rainbow Fun Educational Toy Store is a NDIS registered provider.  



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